Apache with PHP5
(too old to reply)
2007-08-15 00:08:12 UTC
I know this has been asked before, but I haven't any luck still with
previous fixes. I have successfully installed Apache22 from ports on
FreeBSD 6.2. When I try to install php5 it doesn't make a libphp5.so
for apache. And yes, I have run make config to select apache in php
config. I then looked in the Makefile for php and noticed that the
apache option still seemed to set to off instead of on... But
deinstalling then running make install again does absolutely nothing

What gives, why wont php5 build an apache module?
2007-08-15 01:21:02 UTC
Post by j***@gmail.com
I know this has been asked before, but I haven't any luck still with
previous fixes. I have successfully installed Apache22 from ports on
FreeBSD 6.2. When I try to install php5 it doesn't make a libphp5.so
for apache. And yes, I have run make config to select apache in php
config. I then looked in the Makefile for php and noticed that the
apache option still seemed to set to off instead of on... But
deinstalling then running make install again does absolutely nothing
What gives, why wont php5 build an apache module?
Looks like I solved my own problem finally.

I followed some advice and ran make clean in the ports/lang/php5
directory, than ran make install again, but still it did not work
After following some more advice and telling it where apxs was, it
fail but said it could not run apxs, and gave the possibility that
perl was not installed.
Perl seemed to be installed, but I uninstalled it and reinstalled perl
with pkg_add and then ran make clean, then make install again and it
2007-08-17 07:53:23 UTC
Post by j***@gmail.com
Post by j***@gmail.com
I know this has been asked before, but I haven't any luck still with
previous fixes. I have successfully installed Apache22 from ports on
FreeBSD 6.2. When I try to install php5 it doesn't make a libphp5.so
for apache. And yes, I have run make config to select apache in php
config. I then looked in the Makefile for php and noticed that the
apache option still seemed to set to off instead of on... But
deinstalling then running make install again does absolutely nothing
What gives, why wont php5 build an apache module?
Looks like I solved my own problem finally.
I followed some advice and ran make clean in the ports/lang/php5
directory, than ran make install again, but still it did not work
After following some more advice and telling it where apxs was, it
fail but said it could not run apxs, and gave the possibility that
perl was not installed.
Perl seemed to be installed, but I uninstalled it and reinstalled perl
with pkg_add and then ran make clean, then make install again and it
I would also advice you to look at php5-extensions - a package
offering a number of important PHP extensions: database, GD, etc.

With best regards,


